产品特色 Product Features
境外保障 全球服务 Tailored Overseas Travel Protection, Worldwide Assistance Service
保障全面 安行无忧 Comprehensive Coverage with high benefits
投保便捷 省心省力 Easy application without health check
保险利益 Insurance Benefits
Overseas Travel Accidental Death & Disability(OTADD)
Accidental death, dismemberment and loss of function benefit
If the insured sustains accidental bodily injury whilst traveling overseas which results directly in accidental death, dismemberment and loss of function, our company will pay the agreed benefits.
Overseas Travel Accident Hospital Reimbursement Rider(OTAHR)
住院安排及治疗 Arrangement for hospitalization and treatment
转院治疗 Medical Evacuation
转运回国 Repatriation to the P.R. of China
安排子女回国 Return of children
遗体处理 Mortal remains handling benefit
Overseas Travel Accident Out-patient Rider(OTAOP)
While the Rider is in force, if the insured suffers any accidental injury or acute disease when traveling overseas. Once it is confirmed that the insured needs any emergency out-patient treatment and the insured takes the medical treatment according to the Assistance Institution's advice. Our company will pay the reasonable and necessary out-patient expenses limit to the Sum Assured stated in the policy.
The International Medical Assistance provided by SOS includes the following: 24 hour provision of medical advice over the telephone, medical service provider referral, arrangement of appointment with doctors, arrangement of hospital admission, delivery of essential medicine, arrangement of hospitalization procedure, guarantee of medical expenses & monitoring of medical condition during hospitalization, arrangement of emergency medical evacuation, arrangement of emergency medical repatriation, arrangement of transportation of mortal remains, arrangement of compassionate visit, arrangement of return of minors.
The Insured also enjoys the International Travel Assistance provided by SOS, including inoculation and visa requirement information, emergency short interpreting assistance, lost luggage assistance, lost passport assistance, legal referral, cash advances for travel emergencies, emergency travel service assistance, arrangement of bail bond, embassy referral, emergency message transmission assistance. If the above services incur third party payment expenses, they are payable by the user.
1. 投保人对被保险人的故意杀害、故意伤害;
2. 被保险人故意犯罪或者抗拒依法采取的刑事强制措施;
3. 被保险人主动吸食或注射毒品;
4. 被保险人酒后驾驶,无合法有效驾驶证驾驶,或驾驶无有效行驶证的
5. 战争、军事冲突、暴乱或武装叛乱;
6. 核爆炸、核辐射或核污染;
7. 被保险人故意自伤行为、参与殴斗;
8. 被保险人猝死;
9. 被保险人因酗酒或受酒精、毒品、管制药物的影响,或未遵医嘱,私自使用药物所致者;
10. 被保险人因怀孕(含宫外孕、葡萄胎)、流产或分娩;
11. 被保险人因整容手术或其他医学治疗导致医疗事故者;
12. 被保险人因从事潜水、跳伞、攀岩运动、探险活动、武术比赛、摔跤比赛、特技表演、赛马、赛车、飞行等高风险运动;
13. 被保险人进行职业或半职业性质的体育运动项目训练或比赛所致者;
14. 被保险人进行地质勘探、考古等野外考察活动期间;
15. 被保险人在建筑工地、矿场、油田或者石油及化学工业现场等地工作期间;
16. 被保险人在其投保时所填写的目的地以外或在其国籍所在地期间发生的意外事故。